Friday, February 4, 2011

I need a bedroom revamp!

I feel like our bedroom needs a revamp. I was trying to figure out how to incorporate more bright and cheery colors into areas of my house. I am a brown and neutral lover. So my new favorite trend is turquoise/ocean blue. I've been trying to decide how to bring this color into my house somewhere, and I decided it would be so cute in my brown zebra bedroom. I plan on painting an accent wall or just adding little touches here and there (vases, candles, etc.)
I'll post pics as soon as I can .

Here is a picture of it right now.
I was at Pier 1 a few weeks ago and saw a gorgeous turquoise vase. It looked something like this..

So I am going to try and find some ways to add it to my bedroom. I think having bright colors might help me wake up in the morning too! (Doubt it- I'm NOT a morning person at all..)

Here are a few more cute rooms that I am going to use for inspiration.

Tyler and I are going on a fun ice fishing date this saturday; baileys, a heater and hopefully some fish are in our future. Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love that turquoise and bright colors! The second to the last picture is my fav! & you're not the only one stuck in neutral colors, I went through my wardrobe looking for a colorful outfit a while back and found that over half my clothes are blue and/or brown.

    Have fun fishing this weekend! Can't wait to see pictures of the finished room!
